Climate & Environment Club


Climate & Environment Club    

Hello Climate & Environment Enthusiasts!

Welcome to Winter Quarter 2025!  This is the sixth year for the club.  Among our past events, we've heard speakers on climate change, bees, water quality in agriculture, microplastics Links to an external site., glass recycling, electric vehicles, the Washington Conservation Corps, Washington Conservation Action, Poder Latinx, the Washington Department of Ecology, and Rotaract.  We've hosted movie screenings as part of Earth Day, we took a field trip to the REACH museum in Richland, we hiked the William O. Douglas trail hill climb, we toured the Healing forest Download Healing forest in Toppenish, and we collected unwanted school supplies for redistribution.  Bring your ideas for this year!

Mission Statement: The Climate and Environment Club exists for study of the Earth's natural environments, human impact on sustainability and biodiversity, and for celebration of the Earth's beauty and abundance.

Joining the Club - Are you interested in joining the Climate & Environment Club?  Please contact Dan Schapiro ( ) to get added to our email list.

Connect & Get Updates - Are you interested in joining our online discussions and receiving updates?  Use our Padlet Links to an external site. page to share ideas.  Please email Dan Schapiro ( ) to get connected via Remind Links to an external site..

Meetings - Held in person as well as virtually every Tuesday from 12:30-1:00 PM during the quarter. Please see the "Meetings" page for more information.

Environment/Climate News - Presentations from club members 2023 to 2024

Events & Opportunties - Please visit the "Events & Opportunities" page for information regarding ongoing & future events such as volunteering, conferences, internships, scholarships, etc.

Moving Forward

  • Attend meetings!
  • Help plan future action!
  • Stay safe and healthy!

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed  citizens  can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." 

 - Margaret Mead  


Canvas pages designed by Hillary Goodner;  Logo created by Savori Rardin