What to do if your test requires Respondus LockDown Browser
How to Download Respondus
If your instructor requires the use of the Respondus LockDown Browser, you can use the link below to install the browser. Read and follow the directions carefully.
- Respondus will only download to Windows, MAC, or iPad machines. We are in the testing phase for Chromebooks; please try the download but be prepared to transition to different equipment if it does not work. Respondus will not work on a cell phone.
- Once you have successfully installed the browser, Respondus will install an icon on your desktop. To access a test using Respondus, you must use the Respondus icon do not access it via Canvas.
- When taking a test, make sure everything is closed on your computer, or Respondus will block you from starting the test.
- When this issue occurs, we recommend the student closed the browser, do a power-down restart of the computer, close any apps that re-opened at login except basic security; if feasible, use a wired Ethernet connection and start only the browser to the Canvas course.
- Close all standard browsers, start LockDown Browser only, log in to Canvas, *wait* until the Canvas home page fully loads (no spinning circle in the browser tab), navigate to the course, *wait* until the course home page fully loads (no spinning circle in the browser tab), then go to the Quizzes or Modules area to start the direct link to the exam with "-Requires Respondus LockDown Browser" in the quiz title. Students should not use any "shortcut" or "notifications link" in the Canvas home page or course home page.
Students using a Chromebook
Installation of LockDown Browser for Chromebook is as follows:
- Log in to the Chromebook and start the Chrome browser
- Log into the LMS using a student account, and navigate to the exam that requires LockDown Browser
- Select the link for downloading and installing LockDown Browser
- From the Chrome web store, select “Add to Chrome” to install the LockDown Browser Extension
Trouble Shooting Tips
- Log out of Canvas and then log back in
Ensure the extension is enabled:
1) Type "Chrome://extensions/" in the URL address bar in Chrome
2) Locate the LockDown Browser Chrome Extension and ensure it is enabled (toggled "on")
Clear all cache and cookies within the Chrome Web browser:
1) Type "Chrome://settings/clearBrowserData" in the URL address bar in Chrome
2) Select "All time" for Time Range
3) Select "Cookies and other site data."
4) Select the "Clear Data" button. Then return to the LMS to take the exam.
Clear all site data:
1) Type "chrome://settings/site data" in the URL address bar in Chrome
2) Select the "Remove All" button to delete all leftover cookies and site data
Pay attention to the Version; there is a link for MAC users. Reference this Quick Start Guide Download Quick Start Guide for detailed instructions for downloading Respondus.
Respondus LockDown Browser Links to an external site.
Respondus with Monitor
If your instructor requires the use of Monitor while testing, follow these guidelines for success
- Make sure you are on fast, stable Wi-Fi. Monitor will not launch if your signal is poor.
- Read all the directions your instructor gives you for the test before jumping in to start.
- You do not need to download a separate app for Monitor; it is included with the Respondus download.
- Within the pre-exam steps. When working through the pre-exam steps for using a webcam with LockDown Browser, select "It's not working" at any time to access live chat.