Course Syllabus


Course Name:  YVCC ABE Basic Computer Technology

Course:  ABE 082 – Basic Computer Technology
Day & Time: 11:00am-12pm M,T,W,Th
Instructor:  Brenda Tatum-Carlson
Office Hours: By appointment
 Required Materials: Paper, pen or pencil, thumb drive


Attendance Policy

Classroom attendance is key to your success in this class and regular attendance is expected. If you are taking this class remotely, I will be tracking your time in Canvas.  You are expected to be in the class for at least 1 hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you finish with that day's assignment early, you can spend the rest of your hour in the extensions module. Please email me if you are going to miss a class. You can leave a message with the ABE Lab.  You may be dropped from the class after 6 absences. Please see the attached Attendance/Academic Progress Policy for an explanation of the expectations and procedures that will be followed if there are progress and/or attendance concerns.

Classroom Rules

No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom.
No texting during class. Please keep your phone on vibrate.
Please arrive on time and stay for the whole class period.
Do not bring children, friends or family members into the classroom.

Important Day


Course Description

A course that is specifically for ABE students who are interested in developing basic technical skills for home and family use.  This class serves as a transition class for IT 090.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will:

  • Use basic computer terminology to describe computer components.
  • Perform basic computer tasks involving creating, saving, and printing of documents.
  • Use basic functions to search the Internet.


Course Objectives

During this course, the student will:

  1. Identify basic computer components using the appropriate computer terminology.
  2. Create, save and delete basic documents.
  3. Use the text box to enter data into a graphic.
  4. Use the cut and paste feature.
  5. Create basic graphic presentation slides.
  6. Change text attributes.
  7. Insert clip art.
  8. With teacher/peer assistance, use the Internet search engine.
  9. Identify correct finger placement for using the keyboard.
  10. Using word processing software to edit grammar and spelling.
  11. Locate important information, read for detail, and determine relevant information for research purposes.
  12. Monitor and enhance comprehension using multiple reading strategies such as asking and answering questions, trial and error, and recall.
  13. Use basic writing strategies to identify and organize ideas to support a purpose such as creating a holiday card or flyer using various software programs.


Evaluation and Grading Policy




50% of final grade

Students are expected to maintain adequate progress in online activities and assignments.

Quizzes and Tests

50% of final grade

There will be quizzes at the end of each module and in class.






Percentage / Grade Requirements

This is a graded class. All students must receive 70% or higher in order to move on to the next level or progress out of the class.

NOTE:  If you drop the class you will receive an Incomplete (I) and you may be required to repeat the class.

A - Excellent

90-100  %

 B – Above  average/

  Doing well

80-89 %

C – Average/Passing

  70-79 %

 D – Below standard/

 Need more work

60-69 %

 F – Failing/Not meeting standard

59 % or below



Course Adaptations. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.


Student Rights and Responsibilities. The current YVCC catalog reviews your rights and responsibilities as a student.  It also defines various violations (cheating, plagiarizing, etc.) and outlines disciplinary actions.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due