NSO - recording notes on a student

After advising a student during NSO, please follow the directions below to document the advising session.

  1. From your Faculty portal, use the YakConnect tab for single-sign on.
  2. Use the Quick Search to find the student you advised.
  3. Click on the student name/record.
  4. Choose Report an Appointment (right hand navigation list)
  5. Select Care Unit - Faculty Advising -- to begin reporting
  6. Select Location
  7. Select Service -- scroll to select NSO Advising
  8. Notice you can change appointment time; use appropriately (you can report on your appointment later, during, or right after your session ).
  9. Type in Recommended Courses for Next Quarter if you recommended some
  10. Select NA for Met Advising Requirement
  11. Select NA for Graduation unless the student is eligible for some reason
  12. Talk with student about Financial Aid. Select Yes
  13. Select Yes if you talked with student about appropriate degree worksheets
  14. summarize your session briefly
  15. Attach any documents or files you may have made for the student
  16. Save report.

If you have questions or problems with YakConnect, please email YakConnect@yvcc.edu