NSO - recording notes on a student
After advising a student during NSO, please follow the directions below to document the advising session.
- From your Faculty portal, use the YakConnect tab for single-sign on.
- Use the Quick Search to find the student you advised.
- Click on the student name/record.
- Choose Report an Appointment (right hand navigation list)
- Select Care Unit - Faculty Advising -- to begin reporting
- Select Location
- Select Service -- scroll to select NSO Advising
- Notice you can change appointment time; use appropriately (you can report on your appointment later, during, or right after your session ).
- Type in Recommended Courses for Next Quarter if you recommended some
- Select NA for Met Advising Requirement
- Select NA for Graduation unless the student is eligible for some reason
- Talk with student about Financial Aid. Select Yes
- Select Yes if you talked with student about appropriate degree worksheets
- summarize your session briefly
- Attach any documents or files you may have made for the student
- Save report.
If you have questions or problems with YakConnect, please email YakConnect@yvcc.edu