Course Challenge List
AH 105 Introduction to Pharmacology
AH 108 Communication and Cultural Concepts in Healthcare - Under Construction
AH 110 The Human Body in Health and Disease I
AH 119 Medical Terminology
AH 120 The Human Body in Health and Disease II
AH 140 Medical Law and Ethics - Under Construction
AH 155 Bloodborne Pathogens Training
AH 170 Phlebotomy Theory
AHBC 101 Introduction to Medical Coding
AHBC 102 Introduction to Medical Billing
AHPT 125 Pharmacy Tech Skills 1
ASL 101 American Sign Language I
ASL 102 American Sign Language II
BASED 301 Teacher Residency 1 - Under Construction
BASED 302 Initial Competencies in Literacy - Under Construction
BASED 303 Teacher Residency 2 - Under Construction
BASED 304 Initial Competencies in Mathematics - Under Construction
BASED 305 Teacher Residency 3 - Under Construction
BIOL 109 General Biology
BIOL 200 Bridge to Biology for Majors
CHEM& 100 Preparatory Chemistry
CHEM& 110 Chemical Concepts with Lab
CHEM& 139 General Chemistry Preparation
MUS 101 Ear Training I
MUS 102 Music Theory I
MUS 103 Ear Training II
MUS 104 Music Theory II
MUS 105 Ear Training III
MUS 106 Music Theory III
MUS 107 Beginning Piano
MUS 108 Intermediate Piano
MUS 109 Piano 3
PTECH 115 Applied Mathematics
PTECH 120 Technical Writing
SPAN 101 Spanish I First Year
SPAN 102 Spanish II First Year
SPAN 103 Spanish III First Year
VET 114 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Lecture
VET 115 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Lab